For the impatient: click
to go straight to the results page.
Take 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase,
one fo the key enyzmes in the degradation of tyrosine, as an example.
Download the folder with the input files for this example by clicking
(right click, save, and unzip). Find the file with the sequences homologous to HPPD
(HPD.orthos.fasta) and upload on the
conservation scoring page.
You can leave the Reference Sequence field empty for the moment.
Click submit.
Admire the conservation map produced. You can download it by right clicking on it, and selecting "Save image."
HPPD is an enzyme. Where do you think the residues belonging to the
catalytic pocket are?
The conservation was mapped to the first seqeunce in the uploaded file.
Now try mapping the conservation onto the sequence of D. rerio.
Paste the name "human" (without quotation marks) into the field "The name of the reference sequence" and repeat your run by
clicking on the submit button.
Do not have your own set of sequences?
Read more.
Not happy with the alignment produced by the server?
Read here
about re-aligning sequences yourself.